When using the visual editor (<https://docs.growth...
# announcements
When using the visual editor (https://docs.growthbook.io/app/visual) - can you target geo location or anything similar?
We don't have an automatic way to do that from the UI, but if you have that info, you can do that in the code
How extendable/friendly is the visual editor code? Could I hook in and add that kind of stuff.
Trying to use the visual editor as the thin end of the wedge to get a start up on growthbook from the word go.
it's pretty straightforward.
Rather than getting locked into VWO etc
you can make the 'enabled' state in the config dynamic based on any targeting parameters
To be specific - I mean extend the visual editor to add those targeting attributes. I'm experienced in all things JS but just wondered how tied down the system hooks/life cycles/etc are
I suppose I could loosely link an experiment created with the visual editor with some config coming from the cms