Hey all, we’re migrating our locally hosted growth...
# contributing
Hey all, we’re migrating our locally hosted growthbook and cannot seem to set up the dimensions right. Always hitting an error in the automatically generated result queries. Context. We used the config.yml example from the docs, set a device as a dimension inside the datasource/settings/queries and get the following error in Growthbook (screenshot). Comparing the query to our older version, where we set the instance without config.yml, there the only difference is the old query is also grouping by dimension. The setup with config.yml is not optional as it’s easier for our deployment strategy. I’ve tried all variants of config.yml that I could think of and always have various errors. Any ideas?
What data source are you using?
And can you verify what build of GrowthBook you are using?
data source is Redshift
Ah, you got unlucky when you updated. We introduced a Redshift bug right before that build and fixed it right after. So updating should fix it.
Oh, thank you. We’ll try it out