Hey GrowthBook team :slightly_smiling_face: I'm a ...
# give-feedback
Hey GrowthBook team 🙂 I'm a bit confused by the new on/off toggle for feature variations... First of all, why is variation 0 by default toggled off? 🤔 Second, what happens if we include 100% of traffic but only one of 2 variations is toggled on with a traffic split of 50%? Would that mean that 100% of the traffic is seeing that variation or 50%? 🤔
Hi Tom. Typically we make 0 the control, so off would serve the app without the change. We give you the choice to set the value so you can easily run A/A tests, 50% would see each variation.
We use toggles for 2 different things in the app, which might be causing confusion. There are environment toggles which act like kill switches. If that's turned off, the feature is completely removed from the SDK and all of the rules are ignored. The other toggle is used within rules and experiments to say whether you want the feature on or off for that specific group. So in your example, the control is set to "off" and the variation is set to "on". If you have a 50/50 split, then half the users will see the feature as on and the other half will see it as off
Thanks for the explanation 🙏🏼 Still a bit confused but I guess I understand what I have to do now to achieve what I want to achieve 👍🏼
Let us know if you want to meet - happy to explain in person
👍🏼 1