Is this the right channel to ask about the growthb...
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Is this the right channel to ask about the growthbook chrome devtools plugin?
Great. I'm seeing 2 issues with the devtools plugin: • I'm getting an intermittent
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
error in my console that seems to be from Growthbook. It seems to be in a loop • When I open the Growthbook tab, it's seemingly infinitely reloading every second. I have a feeling the plugin exactly what I'm looking for, but its unusable currently and not sure if its a bug in the plugin or if its a bug in our GB implementation.
hrmm, that doesn’t seem right
what chrome version are you using?
Its happening with one of my coworkers as well, so possibly related to something on our side? I also saw a comment in the plugin page about the "Could not establish connection" error as well
interesting, I’ll take a look, but I’ve not seen that error before
can you share any more info? like are you using the cloud or self hosting?