Hello everyone, I'm using growthbook with mixpanel...
# announcements
Hello everyone, I'm using growthbook with mixpanel and noticed that the total users in the results section of an experiment is much less than the experiment started event in mixpanel, what could be the reason for that or what could I take a look at to know where the problem is? Thank you in advance.
This can often be because of the date range
I'm filtering for the duration the experiment has been running in on mixpanel and the experiment is still running
We give the full query used, you can check and run it yourself to see what’s going on
The date range is also correct in the full query
Sometimes the fetch features API calls fail but the total failures are much less than the difference between number of events on mixpanel and the users in the experiment on growthbook
I wonder if mixpanel is showing all event instead of unique users?
I think it does actually but the total of users in the 2nd screenshot from growthbook has been the same for a while (227) while mixpanel's number gets updated correctly
Did you click update?
I reviewed the distinct ids too and they're mostly unique
total users increased after the last update it's not constant, but still much less than mixpanel's events it only increased by 3 users
After a lot of testing I noticed that the total number of users in the experiment on the growthbook dashboard is the number of users testing on our deployed versions on staging (we're using next.js and testing on the deployed versions on vercel) keep in mind I'm using the correct API keys for staging and production, the experiment started event logs correctly on mixpanel too but only the users on staging environments are getting counted in the experiments
What is different about the staging environment and your production env? Are they the same?
Perhaps there is something misconfigured with the mixpanel data source on GrowthBook