Hey GrowthBook team! In the "Add Experiment" modul...
# give-feedback
Hey GrowthBook team! In the "Add Experiment" module, the table that comes up with a sort of preview of the experiment data shows a column labeled "users" (see screenshot). From my understanding, this isn't the unique users per cell, but rather the count of the rows in each cell found in the Experiment Assignment Query, which could have a separate row for each time the user views the experiment. Is this right? If not, where is the best place to define each user's exposures to the experiment (for purposes of the Attribution Model)?
cc @ambitious-apartment-58735
Hi again Julianna! From looking at the query here, I believe we are summing the number of unique users per day across all days of the experiment, so I don't think it will be either the distinct count of users over the whole experiment, nor will it be the total number of exposures for the experiment. For the former, I think the experiment analysis page itself is the best source of truth for the number of unique users in the experiment. As for:
where is the best place to define each user's exposures to the experiment (for purposes of the Attribution Model)?
Are you looking for something like the distribution of exposures per user? Or just the difference in the number of users exposed and the number of total exposures? I don't think there's any way to view this in Growthbook itself (although I could be missing something, cc: @future-teacher-7046), but you could definitely write your own query borrowing some of our subqueries to do this.
I think the first probably qualifies as a bug for us, and I'm considering opening an issue and trying to resolve it sooner rather than later.
Thanks for the quick and in depth follow ups! This makes sense - I put this question in the feedback channel because I wanted to flag it as a possible area for improvement but I also wanted to also make sure I was using the experiment assignment query as intended. It sounds like I am (it's the appropriate place to define each time a user entered the test), so I would suggest changing either the name or the value of that column in the data preview table when adding an experiment so it's more user friendly.
Yes, I agree. Thanks for the feedback and calling it out. I've opened an issue for this: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/937
Thanks! 🙌