Hey, I am trying to create an experiment with goog...
# announcements
Hey, I am trying to create an experiment with google analytics v4 datasource. I setup the query to get the data from bigquery in the metrics and it is working fine. But inside the experiment, in the query generated it is showing
instead of the source dataset path like in the screenshot. This is causing an error saying
Table "events_*" must be qualified with a dataset (e.g. dataset.table).
Any idea whats causing this ?
In another experiment I created, when I keep refreshing the dataset source is changing but with the wrong big query project name.
Were you able to edit the queries?
If you go to analysis -> data source and you can edit the experiment query
No. I am unable to edit the table
in the query that create
Copy code
By option to edit experiment query, did you mean
Experiment Assignment Queries
Thanks @fresh-football-47124. It worked. But now the data from metrics is not showing up in the experiment. Both are using same table and same experiment id. I tried changing the settings.
You may have to look into that metric and make sure that when we join to the experiments the user ids are the same - the common table expressions in the view queries should make it straightforward to debug