A/B test ramp up question. It seems that increas...
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A/B test ramp up question. It seems that increasing the sampling % in the experiment underlying feature doesn't increase the experiment sampling % ? We need to adjust the experiment sampling % directly? Would there be any trouble if the underlying feature sampling % and Experiment sampling % are differnt ?
@alert-portugal-86208 @astonishing-airline-55247
No issues with the statistics - the overall exposure (at the moment) in the experiment reports is used for records only
if your split percentage changes, you’ll get SRM errors
Didn't quite get this
"the overall exposure (at the moment) in the experiment reports is used for records only"
it’s just for recording the over all exposure on the experiment report
if you need to do a new phase, that could be what changed - the statistics uses the split percentages, not the overall exposure
right now if we change the sampling % in the feature, it didn't show up in the experiment. so I was confused there are two places that we need to adjust the sampling % for the experiment to change sampling ?
ya, we’re workng on fixing that experience
want to make sure I understand this correctly. • changing sampling % on feature will actually change the experiment sampling. The new sampling % is in effect even the "experiment report" page setting didn't change • changing sampling % on the "Experiment tab" is just a display on the experiment report (as a marker of different phases) so before this disconnection get fixed on the growthbook side, to change the sampling %, we need to : 1. change sampling % on the feature 2. do the same change on epxeriment so it reflects the correct % on the report (just a label, it didn't impact underlying data)
even if you don’t do step 2, it won’t affect the statistic and results.
🙏 1
Got it. the experiment page change is only for better reporting/documenting purpose. Thank you !