We're using the Ruby SDK for Growthbook and we wan...
# announcements
We're using the Ruby SDK for Growthbook and we want to track/create experiments with a data source of Mixpanel. We've followed the documentation closely but we keep seeing the following error. Our VariationID is
- is this why we're seeing this error? Would be good to get an explanation on the below error message!
We just released a big update to our stats engine last week and that looks like a bug that might have been introduced. We can fix it today. My guess is it's happening because you only have 1 user in each variation, which isn't enough to calculate statistics on.
Thanks @future-teacher-7046. Once we increased the users in each variation it started to work! However, we keep running into this error message and we're not sure why? Any suggestions?
Also, we want to use
as a metric in our experiment and we're based in the UK - How can we change the default currency from
We're having trouble reproducing the
Precondition Failed
error. Are you able to copy the query from GrowthBook and run it directly in Mixpanel using JQL? That might help give more information about the error
yeah, additional error messages regarding the JQL would be great. As for the currency issue, we have an issue open here; https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/908 please feel free to give it a +1
🙌 1
Thanks @helpful-application-7107 👍, I've added a +1 for you. @future-teacher-7046 I'm experiencing the same issues as this slack thread here.
@stocky-intern-70194, by any chance is the metric you're trying to aggregate a string in mixpanel?
Pretty much all our values in Mixpanel have a type
, including the mixpanel distinct id. This is what we use as an identifier when we place users in an experiment. But my understanding of Growthbook was that it would put all these id's in an array and count the amount of values, so it wouldn't matter what type it was - is that not the case?