Hi GB team. We are using Clickhouse as our data so...
# contributing
Hi GB team. We are using Clickhouse as our data source. And we found a timezone issue about the experiment query. Bellow is a query sample about experiment. It used
to filter the timestamp. And we use the UTC time in the experiment settings. but by default Clickhouse is using the server timezone which is not UTC. so the fix should be add UTC in the toDateTime function like this
toDateTime('2023-02-24 17:00:00', 'UTC')
Can anyone help on this?
Copy code
__experiment as (-- Viewed Experiment
      e.user_id as user_id,
      toString(e.variation_id) as variation,
      e.timestamp as timestamp,
      e.timestamp as conversion_start,
      dateAdd(hour, 720, e.timestamp) as conversion_end
        __rawExperiment e
        e.experiment_id = 'SOME_EXP_ID'
        AND e.timestamp >= toDateTime('2023-02-24 17:00:00')
@future-teacher-7046 Any ideas?