Hello, everybody! I'm new in Growthbook and I'm do...
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Hello, everybody! I'm new in Growthbook and I'm doing some research to my organization and I wanted to understand how often can I refresh cache. I'm looking in docs, but I still haven't found something about this. Could you guys help me?
I did some tests and in some moments even calling refresh cache the callback boolean param returns false and feature flag's values didn't update.
hi Bruno
That depends on a lot of factors - you could set a TTL for something like 5minutes
or faster
or use our webhooks to expire the cache
or use the GrowthBook Proxy to enable caching with real time updates
Thanks for your help, @fresh-football-47124! I'm using the iOS SDK to do my tests. It's a simple test, I'd create a button that calls the
method. The idea was to validade if when I change the toggle value in the dashboard and touch this button I could see the flag value changing, but I realized that I cannot refresh the cache always just calling
. In the real world cases we ideally won't need to update so often, I was just trying to see if it has some limit in order that we could have a better understanding of the tool.
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I see... Thank you for the answers!