Hi, I'm trying running the Growthbook on domain <x...
# announcements
Hi, I'm trying running the Growthbook on domain xxx.domain.com and api xxx-api.domain.com but all css and js return 404 error. Is someone command I need to build de css and js ?
are you getting any errors in console?
or is it just 404? (ie, are you getting CORS errors?)
No, only 404 errors
But now I am trying build the dockerfile
I was using the image from dockerhub
Only this error - R_ABORTED 404
looks like the front-end needs some command to serve the css file
i.e.: request file -> /_next/static/chunks/webpack-21ee1603063657b8.js
the file exist, but I thing on wrong directory
# find . |grep ea3cc3fe64fb2b66.css ./packages/front-end/.next/static/css/ea3cc3fe64fb2b66.css
should be another directory "public" maybe
we have thousands of users, most using different the same subdomain setup
and I’ve not seen this error before