HEY Growth book team. So I did a A/b Test setup u...
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HEY Growth book team. So I did a A/b Test setup using growth book. I found a difference in the data reported by growth book & that what is being reported by the Google Analytics. Can we please look into it why the numbers reported are not matching?
Hi Poornima
you can view the query we use against BigQuery
usually these differences will be caused by limiting to users who saw the experiment, and then the date ranges
So actually i pulled in the data from bigquery itself & took the data for the similar date range. PFA the attached screenshot. There is the difference of 40% sessions & users. Can this be the growth book issue of not splitting the user properly? & just sending it on default bucket without sending any variation id attached to it? @fresh-football-47124
We give you the full query we run, so you should be able to debug where those users are getting dropped
Sure, please share that. It will be helpful.
you can get that from the three dot menu on the right side of the results, and click on ‘view queries’