Odd one. How does the GB team feel about shared lo...
# announcements
Odd one. How does the GB team feel about shared logins? Our developers are all using a single set of creds whilst we get up and running. Our first A/B is going to resolve in a few days but if we were to roll this out more widely across the business i’d still like to ensure cost get capped at x number of seats on Tier A, y on Tier B etc. The auto-provisioning FIM login is sweet but leads to lots of waste over time so isn’t attractive as “the” way of pricing. I think being able to cap # of provisioned seats would make me more comfortable in letting people sign-up and have a look.
that seems reasonable
👍 1
I can see the discussion/commenting social-like piece is part of the monetisation and I think it’s a good idea. It’s the one-time login-then-never-used-again-but-paying-for-their-seat-every-day-for-years that irks me somewhat.
we originally had different pricing for different tiers, but decided to just reduce the price across the board to keep it simple
It certainly makes getting onboard a no-brainer
we think its pretty reasonably priced, but I’ll bring up the idle seats and capped seats idea
“contact sales” for Optimizely vs. £20pp and free trial meant we didn’t even bother with the “big boys”
we think its pretty reasonably priced
It’s very well priced. You’re biggest competitor is whatever Google have got cooking with Firebase Remote Config. Bemuses me as to why that isn’t available on web.
(the experimentation bit that is)
ya, there have been a lot of priority shifts at Google - and GA and experimentation isn’t one of them
its all hands to AI atm
bahah. course it is.
we think its pretty reasonably priced, but I’ll bring up the idle seats and capped seats idea
Back to this. Feel bad now! We’re not a big team (7) so our shared login isn’t going to make or break but I also don’t want to be a bad citizen.
I’ll unleash the hounds after our experiment result and see how many sign ups we get. Maybe it won’t be a problem
(the wider company goes into the 100s you see)
they’re all still on the “data bandwagon” (as opposed to AI wagon)