With growthbook is there a way to only submit attr...
# ask-questions
With growthbook is there a way to only submit attributes on the server side (nodejs), but still do feature flagging on the client side? The goal is to avoid exposing the attributes to the client side.
can you just do feature flagging server side and pass the correctly flagged state to the client?
Yeah, that is one option, but you lose benefits like the live updates of changes, etc.
we are soon to be rolling out hashed attributes - which will obscure the attribute values- would that work?
Yeah, that would work
The use case for us is that we may have some attributes, e.g. power user, requires a lot of support, etc. that we don't want directly on the client side.
Do you know when that feature will be available?
June 8th or earlier
We’re also working on pure server-side evaluation functionality for frontend SDK connections
Ah nice, that'd be amazing