Hi there! I appreciate any help given here. I just...
# ask-questions
Hi there! I appreciate any help given here. I just installed it on my k8s cluster but I've got some strange error message. It's running
Copy code
{"level":50,"time":1685991856283,"pid":500,"hostname":"growthbook-56b644d9b8-f89xj","err":{"type":"MongoParseError","message":"Load balancer mode requires driver version 4+","stack":"MongoParseError: Load balancer mode requires driver version 4+\n    at QueryReqWrap.callback (/usr/local/src/app/node_modules/mongodb/lib/core/uri_parser.js:111:27)\n    at QueryReqWrap.onresolve [as oncomplete] (node:dns:281:10)","name":"MongoParseError"},"msg":"Failed to connect to MongoDB"}
 | {"level":50,"time":1685991856285,"pid":500,"hostname":"growthbook-56b644d9b8-f89xj","err":{"type":"Error","message":"MongoDB connection error.","stack":"Error: MongoDB connection error.\n    at /usr/local/src/app/packages/back-end/dist/init/mongo.js:35:15\n    at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)\n    at rejected (/usr/local/src/app/packages/back-end/dist/init/mongo.js:6:65)"},"msg":"Failed to initialize application"}
It's using MongoDB Atlas
Maybe it's related to this thread
we just updated the mongo library
I wonder if this is a new error or old
can you try on the latest?
I'm already using the latest release
There's a PR done to update mongo related libs to support Mongo Atlas