Hi! We want to test a self-hosted growthbook via ...
# announcements
Hi! We want to test a self-hosted growthbook via docker. Caddy is supposed to run as a reverse proxy: example.com/gb --> localhost:3000 and example.com/gp-api --> localhost:3100. But this doesn't seem to work, the GB frontend doesn't respond at all, the API answers with "401: No authorization token was found". Can this setup be handled without an modification on application side?
Hi, I believe the front-end (port 3000) currently must be run at the root and not under a subdirectory. Typically, that means setting up a new subdomain growthbook.example.com and pointing that to port 3000. For the API (port 3100), the easiest is to have an additional subdomain growthbook-api.example.com, but it also may be possible to run it under a subdirectory like growthbook.example.com/gb-api/ There are some docs at https://docs.growthbook.io/self-host/env that might help
Thanks Jeremy, will have a look into that!