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# ask-questions
This message contains interactive elements.
This message contains interactive elements.
Hey, @delightful-city-54850 - sorry to hear you're having trouble! Can you click "Edit Connection Info" and confirm the
on the form is correct? I'm trying to get my env into the same error, and so far, that's the only way I've been able to recreate that error message.
Looking into it more, it could also be an issue with the role you created not having appropriate access to the warehouse.
Hi Michael! You’re right — snowflake permissioning is fun 🙂 Basically, I created a user/role and assigned a default warehouse (but didn’t grant usage on the warehouse to the role). I used these two commands to fix it:
GRANT USAGE ON WAREHOUSE [warehouse_name] TO ROLE [role_name];
ALTER USER [user_name] SET DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE =  [warehouse_name];
Thanks again for the suggestion!
I'm so glad to hear!