Hello! I’m trying to test an experiment on dev env...
# ask-questions
Hello! I’m trying to test an experiment on dev env and it says “no data yet” although it’s been 2 hours. How long should I wait?
There are two possibilities. Either the conversation event hasn't hit your database yet, or the metrics query is incorrect. You can click on view queries to see what is run and make sure it is correct. And query your database directly yourself to verify that the data is there
Query is pretty straightforward: Goal metrics = 1 metric No guardrails, no activation metrics, no overrides Metric chosen is binomial, 1 event name, on metric page it shows a chart for this metric from Mixpanel Feature flag works correctly and according to variations What did I miss?
Seem like I missed implementation of Mixpanel callback 😅
I'm glad you figured it out! Let us know if you run into any other issues