Hello everyone! trying to implement growthbook in ...
# ask-questions
Hello everyone! trying to implement growthbook in lambda function why do I get unknown feature. Seems like I am not configuring the feature flag correctly or this happen in non prod env. appreciate any help.
If anyone has good post around lambda integration that would be great.
how are you fetching the features?
Thanks @fresh-football-47124 its working now. Rollout was not configured properly. I am still trying to understand the best practice to use it in serverless lambda. from what i understood so far is fetch the features from the specific env and then pass them to the growth-book instance you just created.
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const response: AxiosResponse = await client.request({
            url: growthBookUrl,
            method: 'GET'
        const { features } = response.data
        const growthBook = new GrowthBook({
            apiHost: growthBookUrl,
            clientKey: process.env.GROWTHBOOK_CLIENT_KEY ?? 'undefined',
            enableDevMode: process.env.GROWTHBOOK_DEV_MODE ? true : false,
            qaMode: process.env.GROWTHBOOK_QA_MODE ? true : false,
            features: (features ?? {}) as unknown as Record<string, FeatureDefinition>,
            log: (msg: string, ctx: GenericObject): void => {
                // do somthing
            trackingCallback: (experiment: GenericObject, result: GenericObject): void => {
                  // do something
        await growthBook.refreshFeatures()
is it necessary to fetch all the features?
can i just define only the features i need
you can restrict features to a project or environment to return a smaller list
but since they’re just text, it shouldn’t be a big deal
make sense.
thanks. Next thing is to understand how to configure A/B testing or experiments
Do i need to push any data to growthbook first?
AB tests are fined with feature rules, so nothing special needs to be done other than adding a rule to a feature
current attributes i am setting are
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id: ,
            ip: ,
            loggedIn: ,
            sessionId: ,
            platformType: ,
            appVersion: ,
            correlationId: ,
            httpMethod: ,
you’ll also want to add something to your trackingCallback method
thanks heaps 🙏
btw, you’ll also want to set a matching set of attributes from within GrowthBook, so you can target correctly
yes I adjusted the attributes and removed the one i do not use and added the one fits our use case