Hi Team, I am trying to do a POC in my company on ...
# ask-questions
Hi Team, I am trying to do a POC in my company on A/B testing and trying to self host growth book for it. I am running into an issue while setting up an experiment, can someone help guide me on the issue here? Experiment goal: I am trying to swap the position of icons in footer and try to see if moving an element to a certain position is giving me more views to that feature Current State: 1. I am able to successfully configure a feature flag with 50/50 traffic and seeing footer elements swapping for diff users as expected 2. We have an analytics table which will get populated when someone clicks on footer elements as an view event 3. In experiment settings I gave custom filter query as in the attached screenshot 4. While trying to view the results, on click of “Update Data” I am getting an error saying “Incorrect syntax near ‘,’”. This seems pretty generic error and unable to figure out what’s going wrong Can someone help me figure out the issue here? Also just want to make sure that my understanding of using the data from our analytics table for experiment analysis is valid.
Hey, Sai! Sorry to hear you're having trouble - can you DM me the full query that is returning the error? Re: The data flow, are you using the callback to track what users are seeing which variation? And can you confirm the experiment assignment query is valid? You can find this by going to the side nav, selecting Metrics & Data -> Data Sources and then selecting the data source. On that data source page, you can see and test the experiment assignment queries. And then, you'll want to create a metric that tracks how many times the link in question is clicked (which I think is what you're saying you're doing in step 2, but I just wanted to be sure.)