If there are two arguments to separate users, uid ...
# ask-questions
If there are two arguments to separate users, uid (is an anonymous cookie) and user_id (is a logged in user), but our users can have multiple accounts and one uid can have more than one user_id, right now we just delete those users, but maybe there is some solutions to leave them in the same group?
I'm not entirely sure that I understand. It is very common to have both an anonymous id and user id. You can add these identities to the datasource and then create a join table so that you can merge them together during analysis: https://docs.growthbook.io/app/datasources#identifier-join-tables
if i use only user_id, then users who have multiple accounts can be bucketed in all versions of experiment, and i know it when check uid (cookie)
How do you know they have multiple accounts? Is there another id?
yes, one cookie (uid) have multiple user_id, and one user_id may have multiple cookies over time
Right so like someone signed in on two different devices
Or people are sharing a device and logging in and out and someone else logs in.
Right now for performance reasons Growthbook doesn't have any kind of sticky bucketing. But it is something we are considering.
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