Hello I'm looking for a way to create a forced rul...
# ask-questions
Hello I'm looking for a way to create a forced rule using growthbook API. Do you have a request for it? Thank you!
Not yet. But someone has been working on it recently so that should be coming soon.
Thanks James! Any workarounds you think we can use in order to so no through growthbook API but also not manually through the UI?
Unfortunately I can't think of anything. The API would be the way to go once it is ready. I'll ping the developer who I think was working on this but they won't be available for a bit. @swift-helmet-3648
🙏 1
Hi @white-fireman-22476 @swift-helmet-3648 I was wondering - Is there any reasoning behind the fact that Grwothbook do not support forced rule creation in an API call (not through the UI)? Was there any concern doing so? Or it just wan't developed yet? Thank you!
It just wasn't developed yet
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