Hi folks :wave: - New Growthbook user here! I didn...
# ask-questions
Hi folks 👋 - New Growthbook user here! I didn't find anything in the documentation but once you declare a winner (control or treatment) by stopping the experiment in the growthbook portal, will all new sessions be directed to the winning experience without removing the split code?
Hello! There is an option when stopping the test to enable a Temporary Rollout, which will send all experiment traffic to the winning variation. There's a button to turn off the Temporary Rollout when it's no longer required
thank you! will that also ensure any previous visits from users with cookies that placed them in a different variant will also be directed to the winning variant?
Yes. It will include the same targeting conditions as when the experiment was running. The only difference is that instead of splitting users and sending them to different variations, everyone will get the winner. Doesn't matter if they are a returning visitor or not. This feature is very new, so we haven't updated our documentation yet to reference it, but here's a screenshot of the toggle when stopping an experiment.
i dont see the option to "Enable temporary rollout". Is it only available on certain account?
Only newly created feature flag experiment rules support Temporary Rollouts (ones created in the past ~3 days). For older feature flag rules, stopping the experiment with that modal has no effect on the feature flag. You will need to edit the feature to remove the experiment.
got it - thats good to know. very exciting feature!
You can achieve a similar thing in your case by editing the feature and replacing the experiment rule with a Force rule. That's pretty much what the Temporary Rollout feature is doing behind the scenes.
thank you
will the temporary rollout option only show up if we see volume on that test? We just released a test few hours ago and I still don't see that option. I'm assuming its because there is no traffic yet?