Hi. I'm new to GrowthBook and I have a question ab...
# ask-questions
Hi. I'm new to GrowthBook and I have a question about its integration with Google BigQuery. I'm exporting data from GA4 to BigQuery, which I'm using to set up some metrics in GrowthBook. Many metric SQL examples that I've found online use tables starting with "ga_sessions", but these don't seem to be available, only tables starting with "events". Any ideas what's going on? My team's research hasn't turned up anything. I appreciate that this might be more of a GCS question than a GrowthBook question, but I'm interested to know if you have any ideas nonetheless.
tables starting with ‘events’ is normal for GA4. I wonder if the examples are older or using universal analytics?
did you try using the metric discovery?
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I did try using metric discovery, but did not find all the metrics I wanted to add - I was wondering if there are any examples for average session duration or bounce rate?
Can you ping @helpful-application-7107 or @future-teacher-7046 for help with this?