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# ask-questions
This message contains interactive elements.
When you load the library (e.g. from jsdeliver), did you assign that script tag the id "growthbook-sdk"? (This is something I overlooked myself) Also it looks like that the entire gb code is inside the gtag function. I think the gtag code should be inside the gb trackingCallback function.
I'm not loading in the same way as Dan did. I load it asynchronously.
the init config
The only thing that I don't get is that it stopped working suddenly. I was making tests through the whole app and then it just stopped sending the experiments
Hmm, sorry, no idea.
Update: I started the trial and suddenly it started working with visual tests, but feature flag tests still doesn't work
Hi Pedro - do you have a screen shot of the rules you’ve added to the feature?
Hi @fresh-football-47124, I managed to discover what was Happening. Apparently feature flag tests can only be started by calling
method even if the user is elligible to participate in the page load. I think this information is kind of unclear in the docs, as someone who is migrating from Optimize, we usually trigger tests on page load
And a feature suggestion: Init experiments created on the platform via custom triggers such as optimize's dataLayer triggers. Manually running tests require via
require the whole test to be coded inline.
i’ll share this feedback