Hello Growthbook users and developers, Hope one of...
# ask-questions
Hello Growthbook users and developers, Hope one of you can help me. I am trying to do a mostly server side implementation of Growthbook for AB testing. Using a combination of .NET SDK and the dom-mutator javascript which will load before most of the dom, handling mutations as the dom is populated avoiding the flashing and blinking changes the Javascript causes. I have however run into a problem with getting the chosen variants for features with multiple Experiments. EvalFeature only returns the variant for the first Experiment present on a Feature, meaning that I cannot find the variant of the second or more Experiments on the feature. The .NET SDK documentation is sadly somewhat lacking at the moment and I am hoping someone knows how I'd go about finding the variants for the other Experiements?
Hi Rasmus, I'm new to the team here at GrowthBook and working on getting an answer for you on this. Thanks for your patience!
Thanks for looking into it. It is very usable right now, but being able to do multiple experiments on a single feature would take it up a notch. Also thanks for having the dom-mutator be a standalone script as thanks to it and the SDK we can preseed the Dom with mutations for a completely flicker free tests