Should experiments always have unique tracking key...
# announcements
Should experiments always have unique tracking keys? Say I run an experiment that has some targeting conditions. Should my second experiment, that tests the same feature but with different targeting conditions have a different key?
There are some cases where you may want to intentionally use the same tracking key
it will cause the data to be mixed on the database side
Yes, it will require filtering by our test dates, right?
you can isolate that first case with phases to isolate by date, or just use the same key - or you can also use the same key, but re-randomize the existing users… it’s pretty flexible
if you want to throw away that initial data, changing the tracking key will keep things isolated and re-randomized
Does the re-randomization happen automatically with a new phase?
phases, are done on the reporting side, and are date partitions
but most actions which cause re-randomizations should cause a new phase
The randomization you are talking about is how we assign users to a test, right?