Enjoying the project, thank you :pray: It'd be gre...
# give-feedback
Enjoying the project, thank you šŸ™ It'd be great to open source the docs (if not already) to allow the community to contribute With Google Optimize retirement you'll no doubt have an influx of people coming across from that product (myself included) The journey of implementing growthbook via GTM was not the smoothest During installation I found this page misleading for 2 clear reasons: https://docs.growthbook.io/guide/google-tag-manager-and-growthbook 1. It's not clear in this configuration that you need to pass
as a user attribute a. Most other web based A/B testing packages detect URL via their own script and don't rely on that being passed through b. When you first create an account, the URL attribute is set up automatically c. The visual editor prompts you to do URL targeting d. URL targeted experiments wont work unless url is passed as a user attribute, I had to scrutinise a lot of pages to detect this issue. 2. It'd be great to provide an example in javascript of generating a UUID for anonymous users, a reliable example was hard to come by. but additionally when using GTM it needs to be an instance which does not use ES6
Hey Darren, the docs are open source and we'd love contributions to it! https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/tree/main/docs
There is an "edit this page" button at the bottom of every page that takes you to the file that needs to be edited.
Thank you both šŸ™ I have created PRs to better clarify ā€¢ Url targeting attribute is required for visual editor URL targeting https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/pull/1697 ā€¢ Compatibility of Visual editor with GTM approach: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/pull/1698
Thank you! I've approved them both and merged them! It should be live within a few minutes.