Hello team, I'm trying to connect growthbook to Bi...
# ask-questions
Hello team, I'm trying to connect growthbook to BigQuery, I inserted the correct BigQuery Project ID, uploaded the service account key file and inserted the name of the default dataset, the schema browser is telling me that there are
no tables found
and when I wrote the SQL for the experiment assignment query it outputs
"Access Denied: Table project-name-1234: database_name.table_name: User does not have permission to query table project-name-1234: database_name.table_name, or perhaps it does not exist in location EU.
I'm sure it's in location EU as I checked and already ran the query in the google cloud editor and it gave me the list of IDs that I need, what could be the problem if someone faced this problem before? Thank you in advance.
Hi Amr: did you check the permissions your service account has in BigQuery?
we have some docs on the permissions
this part correct? the service account has these permissions yes, but the table I'm accessing is not in the same project as the service account so maybe that's the problem?
It has permissions on both projects?
I created a service account that is in the same project of the dataset I'm accessing, I added the key to the growthbook datasource and when I tried saving I got this
User does not have bigquery.jobs.create permission in project project-name
, as seen in the screenshot it has that permission
Any idea what could be the problem?
the same name as the project in your datasource config in GrowthBook?
yes it's the same name in the BigQuery Project ID field
Ok, then I don't know what could be going wrong. If you could share the screenshots in DM or elsewhere of your service account details and roles in BigQuery and your Data Source form you are trying to save in GrowthBook maybe I could see something that is going on.