Hi everyone ! I'm trying to connect BigQuery to Gr...
# ask-questions
Hi everyone ! I'm trying to connect BigQuery to GrowthBook. Specifically, I've created the link between Analytics and GrowthBook, I've created the service account in BigQuery and generated the keys. However, when I import the keys into GrowthBook and click on "View schemas," I don't see any tables. It says that there are no tables present. How can I resolve this issue?
Hey, Alessandro - when you created the Service Account for BigQuery, did you grant it the permissions as outlined in this doc article?
yes, this 3: ā€¢ BigQuery Data Viewer ā€¢ BigQuery Metadata Viewer ā€¢ BigQuery Job User
If you click the "Retry" button, I'm assuming it ends up returning the same message?
unfortunatly yes
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Is the BigQuery instance you're connecting to getting data via GA4, or is it an internal setup?
Thank you so much for the help you are trying to provide me with. I have connected GA4 to BigQuery; in fact, in the BigQuery project, I have the "analytics" dataset with the corresponding "events" table.
Schermata 2023-10-06 alle 16.34.43.png
I've tried to recreate the project and reconnect it multiple times, I've regenerated the keys but nothing changes, the tables never appear in GrowthBook
Schermata 2023-10-06 alle 16.37.47.png
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I'm trying to recreate this on my end, but I haven't been successful yet. Everything looks to be set up correctly on the GrowthBook side.
I've followed step by step every type of guide, video, and explanation in the documentation multiple times, but every time I get this error. I can't understand what it might be.
I was going to ask my own question about this but I scrolled up and found your issue, I'm seeing the exact same thing right now. I have a GA4 instance streaming data to bigquery I can see the analytics data going in to bigquery when i use the console I've created a service account following the steps in the documentation But growthbook seems to refuse to see these tables
The thing is i can see this service account usage in the logs and it doesn't look like anything is failing
From what I can tell the query being run is valid
Copy code
but when i run this myself in the SQL form it returns no data
OK some googling I thing i see the issue, because the query above gives no region info it defaults to
my dataset is located in the EU though, when i change the query to
Copy code
I see the row returned correctly. Is there a way i can add this region qualifier to the my dataset queries in Growthbook?
We have the same problem. Everything has been setup according to instructions. We can use the growth book user to query the BigQuery api and extract the experiment event data but when adding a data source on the site GrowthBook says it can't find any tables. Our data is also located in the EU.
hi everyone, I haven't been able to find a solution yet, I am in contact with @billions-xylophone-11752 for the resolution
@refined-lifeguard-96652 Thanks for digging into this - I was able to create a new BigQuery instance and add a dataset outside of the US, and in that, I was able to replicate the behavior. I'm exploring a few different fixes right now. I'll keep you all in the loop. CC: @echoing-advantage-79611 @acoustic-spoon-44754
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Just a quick update - I've got a solution working, just awaiting feedback and approval from others on the team. When it's live, I'll follow up here.
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It looks like this has just been released šŸŽ‰, thanks @billions-xylophone-11752 šŸ¤— I can now access my data as expected
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Yup! This is out - thanks to everyone for raising this issue and for your patience!
Thank you!
Thank you so much @billions-xylophone-11752, it works.