Hi, I try to figure out how `Exclude In-Progress C...
# ask-questions
Hi, I try to figure out how
Exclude In-Progress Conversions
Metric Conversion Windows
Experiment settings
works. I have the impression that only users who didn’t complete the
Conversion Delay
are excluded from metrics computations but from the doc I would have expected that users who didn’t complete
Conversion Delay + Conversion Window
would be excluded. I want to compute revenue summed on 7 days (
Conversion Window
= 168hours), my experiment is running for 2 weeks and I have exactly the same results with both options
Exclude In-Progress Conversions
Include In-Progress Conversions
. These results are actually far lower than what I expected (because they include users who are in the experiment for less than 168 hours ?). Any help please ?
I’m checked the SQL query of my metric between both options and it’s exactly the same. No impact of the option. I’m quite puzzled
What is the
Attribution Model
you are using for the experiment?
Hi, Attribution model =
First Exposure
Since I want to compute revenue generated on 7 days I need to be able to leverage conversion window. so Experiment duration doesn’t seem relevant.
@helpful-application-7107 (any further help would be appreciated)
I think this is a bug on our end. Thank you for calling this out.
Thank you for the investigation and update. How could I follow the bug resolution ? ATM I will use my BI solution for analysing results but of course my goal is to use growthbook (and non technical staff is eager to use it as well 😉 )
We're landing a fix now!
Should be live in a couple of minutes
wow great ! I’m using the cloud version of growthbook, will it be updated ?
Yes, it should be there now. Please retry your queries!
it works like charm 🤩 best customer support reaction 🙏 thanks
🙌 1