Hello guys, good morning here from Brazil. I'm new...
# ask-questions
Hello guys, good morning here from Brazil. I'm new to GrowthBook and would like to know how do I do a simple A/B test between two different urls splitting the traffic 50% to 50%. For example: I have two different urls and I want to know which one converts more, /QAT1 and QAT2. In this case, I'm using a Magento 2 ecommerce and GrowthBook's Javascript SDK for that.
Hi fellow Brazilian 👋 I could not find a simpler way to do redirect tests so I created a feature flag that enable the redirect and I run a manual test that redirects the user doing the redirect
👋 1
something like enableRedirectTest -> boolean if(enableRedirectTest) { growthbook.run() }
🙌 1
I’ve seen some use json or string feature flags, and then in the SDK code they add, check for the values and see if they start with http, and then do the redirect if so (and it doesn’t mach the current url).