Hey everyone! We do have a new feature that has to...
# ask-questions
Hey everyone! We do have a new feature that has to be release asap and we were thinking about using in GB a saved group with something like 20k IDs. Does anyone know if we can create such a large group or is there a limit for that?
Hi Pedro - We do not recommend this, as it will make the feature API call very large
we do have a solution in the works for this use case
actually, we have a PR that may get merged today to support this - “dynamic saved groups”
👍 1
Hmm interesting, tks Graham!
I'd also love to hear about this. Sounds very useful for my team as well. Thanks Graham!
@fresh-football-47124 I was curious if this feature ended up going out or what we should look for when it does.
We have have launched “runtime groups”