Hey, I set up an experiment in GrowthBook and the ...
# ask-questions
Hey, I set up an experiment in GrowthBook and the
is firing correctly. However, I'm not seeing any data in my experiment metric results. We've configured Google Analytics via GTM and I'm pushing data to
in the callback. Any idea why this might be happening or if there's something I missed? Thanks!
Hey, Ulugbek - Are you using Google Analytics with BigQuery? Can you confirm that you're able to see the data in BigQuery? Often times, the
Experiment Assignment Query
is incorrect. You can edit this by going to the Datasource page and editing the queries there. Are you getting any specific errors when trying to analyze an experiment?
Hi Michael, Yes, I am using Google Analytics with BigQuery. I am able to see data in BigQuery and my events in Google Analytics. However, I don't see data in results of an experiment
Are you getting any errors in the experiment? It's likely the
Experiment Assignment Query
needed to be customized. When customizing the query, you can run a test query to see any errors.
No I don't get any errors and I am able to see my metrics. It's only Results are with no data, Could you please write me what would be a custom query in my case? I am not familiar with it much
Unfortunately the query will be really specific to your implementation, so that's not something that can be written without intimate knowledge of your BigQuery instance. So on the Experiment Results page you're just seeing a "No data yet. Click the "Update" button above" message? And clicking the update button doesn't return an error? The one other thing that I can think of is we filter the results of the query by the phase dates. Can you confirm there is data in BigQuery for the filter dates? You're welcome to send me a screenshot of your experiment results page privately - that might help me debug with you.
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