Hi Growthbook! To monitor in real time how many us...
# ask-questions
Hi Growthbook! To monitor in real time how many users have been exposed to the feature flag, do we use make a call to service like Heap or Segment and watch the number of users exposed in Segment UI?
@handsome-church-10572 has opened an issue Close Issue button
Yeah, that would be best. We have a simple graph in the Features list that should track exposures, but it is very crude. The best way currently would be to use whatever your tracker is and see tracking events there.
👍 1
I see that you can also link GrowthBook to Segment database. Is it just to connect the data sent from Segment to a Warehouse (e.g., Snowflake) with GrowthBook? So if the data update frequency from Segment to Snowflake is once per day, then GrowthBook could only see the refreshed data with 1 day lag? https://docs.growthbook.io/event-trackers/segment#3-connect-growthbook-to-your-warehouse
We use the warehouse connection to run your experiment analysis queries (you can schedule them for whatever frequency down to every hour on your Organization -> Settings page). When you specify Segment as your tracker, that just helps us set up the default metric SQL so that your metrics are easier to set up.
So if the data update frequency from Segment to Snowflake is once per day, then GrowthBook could only see the refreshed data with 1 day lag?
Yes, that is correct.
@helpful-application-7107 thank you for your reply. So if my Segment to Snowflake is once per day, but I want to check the experiment result with refreshed data whenever I want, how should I implement that? Should I send the event data directly to Snowflake, where my conversion data lives so I can join the event data with conversion data?
> Should I send the event data directly to Snowflake, where my conversion data lives so I can join the event data with conversion data? Yes, or if there's a way to export more regularly from Segment, you could do that instead.