Hi, I think I’ve spotted a bug regarding the Metri...
# give-feedback
Hi, I think I’ve spotted a bug regarding the Metric Conversion Windows option in Experiment Settings. I use a ratio metric counting the ratio between new paying users on new free trial users. The user has 3 days to become a paying user after he started the free trial, so there is a conversion window of 72 hours. BUT he might take the free trial as soon as he subscribe, hence the conversion window for the free trial is only 3 hours. When I compute my ratio metric, I very little difference on the denominator part in the UI, either with include or exclude in progress conversions. --> the user count from the denominator might use the 3 hours window (the one from the free trial metric) --> BUT for the metric to be usable, a user should not be counted untill the max of the conversion windows (numerator and denorminator) are elapsed
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Hi Jullen, yes that does sound like a bug. I just created a GitHub issue to track this - https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/1844
Hi @future-teacher-7046, I’m not sure what you wrote in the ticket describe what I meants. I try to put it more clearly: I want my user to fulfill the whole funnel to be counted when I am in exluded in progress conversions, In my example if my ratio is 100 / 1000 but both events have different conversion windows, I am quite convinced that each metric is computed on its own conversion window and not further selection is performed where only users who completed both conversion windows should be part of the final computation.
currently If i compare 2 funnel metrics : • metric A / metric B • metric C / metric B with conversion windows metric A = 2 days metric B = 1 day metric C = 5 days I might have : • metric A / metric B = 10/100 • metric C / metric B = 5 / 100 because metric B is computed with the same conversion window (1day) in both cases
Thank you, Julien, I added your most recent comments to the GitHub issue.