Hello! I noticed my experiment has no data tracked...
# ask-questions
Hello! I noticed my experiment has no data tracked and from updating I get error code "Unknown experiment assignment table - anonymous_id". Do you know what's the issue and where I can find out how to fix it?
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Hi Katharina, thanks for reaching out. The anonymous_id is actually a column in the table, not the table name. Could you send me a screenshot of the Experiment Assignment Query so I can help further?
You can find this in the Data Sources tab (select the appropriate data source and then the intended experiment)
@brief-honey-45610 You mean this one?
Yes! Is there a button that says “view query” just below that? Could you please send a screenshot of the whole page so I can see what you’re seeing?
okay gotcha. Here's the code
Hmm, interesting. The anonymous_id doesn’t appear anywhere in the Experiment Assignment Query. I believe there may be a mistake with how the data source is connected. The error leads me to believe that GrowthBook is trying to access a table called anonymous_id. Could you please send a screenshot of the “Edit Connection Info” and “View Schema Browser” tabs?
Yes, thanks!
Let me run this by one of my colleagues to confirm what I think is happening. I'll post an update here as soon as I can.
Hi Katharina, one more thing — could you please send a screenshot of the GrowthBook-related code?
I'll sent over dm 🙂
I see it, thanks! Also got your email