What is the abbreviation most used for Chance to B...
# ask-questions
What is the abbreviation most used for Chance to Beat Control?
Hi Wendy, good question! Let me find out for you ๐Ÿ˜€
Hi Wendy, we don't specify an abbreviation in our documentation for "Chance to Beat Control", but I think CTBC would work just fine! If you want to share more about your use case maybe I could suggest something else?
Thanks @brief-honey-45610 I've seen CTBC, CTBO, BFC, & P2BB. I was wondering if there was a standard. This is for when we report out results. Using Frequentist, we usually say 20% increase @95% stat sig. I was hoping there was something similar for Chance to Beat Control because that a lot of words ๐Ÿ˜‚.
Ahh OK, gotcha. I'll ask our data scientist to chime in when he has a chance today ๐Ÿ™‚ @helpful-application-7107
๐Ÿ™ 1
i havenโ€™t seen an abbreviation for this
Bummer, thanks.