Hi there, is there a public roadmap which we can s...
# ask-questions
Hi there, is there a public roadmap which we can see upcoming features on? I’ve seen several mentions of upcoming features in response to questions but would be keen to get an overview. 🙂
Our official support hours are 6:30am - 5pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. You may occasionally hear from us outside of these hours. Your support request has been logged in our system. Our support team will get back to you very soon!
Hi Christy, we don’t have one at this time, but it’s been requested by others in the recent past and we’ll be discussing if this is something we can provide in the future
If there is a particular feature you’d like to see, please search the existing issues in GitHub to see if it’s been requested already. If so, you can add a comment on the issue, and if not you are welcome to submit a feature request that way
Thanks. 🙂 In lieu of that, any chance of a view of the key things coming up in the next few months?
I’ll defer to our engineering team on that as they have a better idea of what’s in the pipeline than I do. The team will return on Monday; we are observing the US Thanksgiving holiday until then. You may hear from someone over the weekend though if they are able to hop online.
I’ll check this thread on Monday and if there’s no reply from us by then I’ll ask for an update and reply here at that time
Thank you. 🙇
youre welcome 1
Hi again, Christy 👋 We discussed the possibility of a public roadmap today but have not yet landed on a decision. We're still weighing the pros and cons. We might start using GitHub Discussions for feature requests, so keep an eye out on our next release (2.7, mid-December)!
👍 2