Hi Team, Wanted to confirm something about namespa...
# ask-questions
Hi Team, Wanted to confirm something about namespace, so according to my requirements i need to run two experiments on a given population such that both should be mutually exclusive, so i create a namespace and assign 66% of available slot to experiment1 and 34% of the remaining to experiment 2, is this all that is need to be done or do i need to also do some additional steps in order to make it possible? Also is this config right?
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Right now when i am trying to have mutual exclusion between the two experiments it is not actually happening, for a given user i am getting variation assigned by both the experiments
That looks right to me. Your assumption is correct. Are the namespace names the same on both experiments?
yes they are the same
percent of traffic included in the experiment = 100%, that is correct?
image (3).png
I'm reaching out to my team, let me get back to you
sure thanks
hey any updates on this?
Hey @acceptable-sundown-14551 sorry for the delay, I'm still trying to get ahold of someone on my team
What is "experiment setting id"?
@acceptable-sundown-14551 Is it possible the two experiments are using different hash attributes? This could cause the issue you’re seeing. Similarly - if the user’s ID or identifying attribute is changing, it could cause that as well
let me confirm on this and get back to you
@swift-helmet-3648 what do you mean by hash attribute?.....the identifying attribute is same for both the experiments i checked
@helpful-application-7107 should i share the experiment assignment query?
@helpful-application-7107 experiment setting id is the id for identifying the experiment.
Also i have a doubt, so while filtering rows at the sdk side we have an experiment key which helps growthbook make decision on which rows of datas it needs to group and link to an experiment, now while using namespace, we should also have something like such right so that growthbook can know for which namespace is this poupulation meant for?....how to write it at the sdk side?
@swift-helmet-3648 @fresh-football-47124 can you please confirm on this?
Hi Archit, what you have for namespaces looks correct
I am getting assignment of variation from both the experiments it seems for every userId
are you using the SDK endpoint to pull in the feature and experiment definition?
the namespace is passed in via that SDK endpoint - you can load that in a new window
how can this be done?
do you mean that the reponse will have the namespace key as well...that i'm getting
yes, it should
if you go to the SDK page in growthbook, you can grab the SDK endpoint url
yes....i get that...but i'm not clear on what you are suggesting😅...are you suggesting something like i pass this namespace back to growthbook while setting attributes for the experiment?
and look at it - its a JSON object, and its pretty understandable
I'm suggesting that the SDK will handle this automatically and you don't have to do any further configuration
but still its not happening actually graham
i'm recieving the namespace key in the response...but the mutual exclusion which is expected is not actually happwening
can you share your SDK endpoint?
thankyou so much @fresh-football-47124, seems to be the case of duplication of experiment rule at our side, this is resolved!
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