Hello there! Getting these errors on an experiment...
# ask-questions
Hello there! Getting these errors on an experiment. Can anyone here help?
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Not being able to edit these queries.
Hey Muhammad - these look to be the metrics associated with the experiment. If you navigate to the
page within your account, and open up one of the metrics listed here (ex:
order_placed (count)
and click "Run Query" do the queries run successfully? If not, you can then edit and test the underlying queries there.
Hey Michael. So I cannot see any Run Query button on the Metrics page. I did click on Refresh Data and it is working.
That's interesting. When you refresh the queries, there should be a graph populated. If you click on the "View Queries" button via your most recent screenshot, are there any rows returned?
No records shown
Gotcha. So I think you need to edit the query (if you know that there should be records for this metric). You can do so by clicking the "Edit" button next to Query Settings on the right-hand side of the page.