Struggling with creating first experiment using th...
# ask-questions
Struggling with creating first experiment using the GrowthBook. Wold it be possible to hop on the quick call with tech team who can help configuring the assignment table and hide the element on Ui using the visual editor?
hi Dmitry
we can - can you give us more information about the SDK you're using, and perhaps share the code you've added so far?
oh, and also what event tracker and data source are you using?
I'm using JS SDK and for DS we use Clickhouse First issue is when I open the visual editor and click on the needed UI element I can not figure out how to remove it for experimental group (there is and "Upgrade" button we want to show and hide depending on the group of the user. Second issue is that I connected our Clickhouse DB and now struggling to understand how to connect assignment table (should I create the table withing Clickhouse with specific columns first and the Growthbook will add there the data or how it supposed to work? - unfortunately it's nor clear for me).
First issue is when I open the visual editor and click on the needed UI element I can not figure out how to remove it for experimental group
To remove a UI element as part of your experiment using the Visual Editor, you would typically use the Element Selector tool to select the element you want to remove and then modify its properties or use custom CSS or JavaScript to hide it.
Second issue is that I connected our Clickhouse DB and now struggling to understand how to connect assignment table
You'll need to add columns to the table in Clickhouse that match the column names you intend to use on the GrowthBook side. GrowthBook can't create the table/columns for you, we can only send your experiment data to the table and the table columns have to match the GrowthBook configuration.
Hi @brief-honey-45610, thanks for the info on removing content. You mention it's possible to remove content by modifying its properties - can you show me which property? In Google Optimize previously, it was possible to click an element and delete it. But I can't seem to find a toggle/button or anything simple to do that. Could you show examples of custom CSS or JS too? How do you target that element you have clicked on?
Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 18.04.17.png
I think that is a common problem, and we cannot find a solution to this as well. As a workaround, you can add jQuery code or make css changes to hide the element you need.
Hi, like Volodymyr said, you'd select the element you want to hide with the Visual Editor tool, then use any property associated with that element (like a class or id) in order to hide it with CSS or JavaScript. You could use the Custom JavaScript tool inside of the Visual Editor to achieve this. Here's a general idea that would hide all elements with the class "hide-this" by setting their display style to 'none':
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document.querySelectorAll('.hide-this').forEach(function(el) { = 'none';