Hey I wonder if anyone can help with something. I ...
# ask-questions
Hey I wonder if anyone can help with something. I started the Pro trial and am designing my first test experiment. I’m starting with just a test, changing just a piece of copy to ensure it works. I’m able to change the copy as expected in the visual editor, but once I go back to growthbook and click preview on the variant I edited, none of the changes display. However when I go back in the the visual editor, I can see my edits are still there. The automatic prelaunch checks are in place so I’m just not sure how to troubleshoot from here. Does anyone have any advice?
are you sure the URL targeting is correct?
I selected one product page for a client for the URL targeting and I can see that does align with the page I’m previewing. Though the preview appends “?test-experiment=1” to the URL and i wonder if that might be confusing it if the targeting is set to a specific page and not to contain a URL?
it might be
Let me retry setting up that target to contains
I don’t see contains as an option but I presume I could use the wildcard somehow to achieve that same effect?
it might just be an issue with the preview - you could launch it and see if it works.
The failure mode would be the test not loading, so no great risk
That’s what I was thinking. I’ll give that a shot real quick.
It seems it’s not launching. I tried several incognito browsers with hard refresh and send the URL to a colleague without ever triggering the variant, even if i manually added the suffix
would you like to share the link with me if you're able?