Hi. Is there a way to have multiple screenshots pe...
# ask-questions
Hi. Is there a way to have multiple screenshots per variation in the experiment?
Hi @some-planet-44104 It is currently possible, yes, but our UI needs to be improved because it's not obvious right now. For each screenshot you want to add, click "Add Screenshot. It will add that screenshot to the list of screenshots. Clicking on the visible screenshot will make a modal appear, which contains each uploaded screenshot on a different pane within the modal. You can toggle between the uploaded screenshots by clicking on the left/right arrow buttons on each side of the modal.
image (2).png
If you upload a screenshot that isn't wide enough, or if it has white edges, you may not be able to see the left/right arrows. We're working on fixing that.
Oh I see. I suspected that the screenshots actually got uploaded but I couldn’t find a way to view them. Thanks!
youre welcome 1
Hi Yevhen, I wanted to let you know that we released a fix for this yesterday
Hi! Thanks! I’d also like to let you know that it’s kinda tricky to zoom in on a screenshot in the interface now. Sometimes I upload a snapshot of an entire page and without a tool to zoom in on it, I have no way of seeing what’s been changed exactly. Would be nice to have something that would allow be to both zoom in, zoom out and scroll the image.
Oof, that is hard to read! I’ll let the team know about this. Thank you!
Hi Yevhen, I ws able to chat with one of my colleagues about this. It's a known issue when very long or very wide images are uploaded. It's on our radar to fix this but we're prioritizing other features in our next release.