Hello! quick question. we are considering Growthbo...
# ask-questions
Hello! quick question. we are considering Growthbook as self-hosted solution. Is there a list of functionality which is not available in self-hosted solution but only in Enterprise plan?
Hi Oles, we maintain feature parity regardless of how GrowthBook is hosted (cloud or self) across all plans.
Okay, so that means, for example, in self hosted setup we cannot have more than 3 users if we don’t have a pro plan?
There are no user limits or API call limits if you self-host
With respect to the API calls, you'll be hosting your own API infrastructure so you can of course make calls to your own infrastructure as often as you want to 😉
Is there list what is included in a pro plan? For example, i see that SSO and user roles are available in pro only
(I have checked website, but it’s not so informative)
SSO is only available for Enterprise plans
What you see on the website is accurate
User permissioning, Visual Editor, and premium support are the main reasons why people choose to be on the Pro plan
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I have the same question that Oles had. Just to make sure I understand correctly, if I want the Visual Editor and we will use GB self hosted we still need to pay the Pro plan ?
and if on the self hosted there are no limits on the users as @brief-honey-45610 said before what is the actual pricing of the license for the pro plan on self hosted version
The pro pricing for self-hosted is still based on seats
and yes, you will need the pro plan to get the visual editor
@orange-fish-54216 It is $20 per person for up to 100 people on the Pro plan, whether you are self hosting or using the cloud hosted version.
Beyond 100 seats requires an Enterprise agreement
If i’m not mistaken - the are no user limit, if you are self hosting and not pro plan. If self hosting or cloud and pro plan - then it’s 20$ per seat
Oles is correct, and thank you for clarifying! Perhaps the confusion comes from there being 2 ways to use GrowthBook (self-hosted or cloud-hosted) and 3 plans (Starter, Pro, Enterprise). Self-hosting on the Starter plan has no user limits. Self-hosting on the Pro plan has a 100 user limit. Self-hosting on the Enterprise plan is entirely customizable. Cloud-hosting on the Starter plan has a 3 user limit. Cloud-hosting on the Pro plan has a 100 user limit. Cloud-hosting on the Enterprise plan is entirely customizable.
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thank you, now it is pretty clear to me
Great. Sorry for the confusion. There is probably room for improvement in terms of how we organize the pricing info visually on our Pricing page.
Yes, now I recheck the page after the explanation and it seems to be obvious but initially it was not clear the difference between hosted and self-hosted at least in the Starter plan
I agree that the information could be presented differently so it's more clear
Thank you both for the questions and the feedback 🙂
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