Hi all :wave: I am setting up an A/B Test with the...
# ask-questions
Hi all 👋 I am setting up an A/B Test with the visual editor and wanted to ask for some advice. My task: include a new image element on the page (fairly simple). Where I ran into issues, is when I adjust a section (div) to add the HTML for the image block, the whole section is getting selected and replaced in other language variants. What I would need is a simple “add HTML” option somewhere in the visual editor UI, but from what I could see this is only possible for CSS and JS globally. Does anyone have a suggestion?
Hi Laszlo 👋🏻 Yes, you can edit the HTML according to the Visual Editor documentation. Does the "Get in Touch" text and the image share the same <div>?
Here is the screenshot with the breadcrumbs included. Basically after the “UL” section (which is the bulleted list) would be a perfect place, but I can’t select the space after that. I will try including an empty div on the page natively tomorrow, and then I might be able to insert the image HTML without messing with the rest of the code.
Hi Laszlo, sounds like a good idea. Keep me posted!
🙏 1
I just wanted to report that the additional DIV did the trick 😎 By adding the HTML for the image within the DIV indicated on the screenshot the translations are getting pulled properly for the rest of the page!
Great! Thanks for letting me know.