I accidentally named a new dimension in the SQL th...
# ask-questions
I accidentally named a new dimension in the SQL the same as one already stated instead of a new name. The ekstra old name is now called oldname_1". I now changed the SQL to the right new name but Growthbook gives me an error because oldname is no longer part of the SQL. Also oldname_1 is still part of the dropdowns on the experiments. How do I change it so oldname_1 is no longer shown and the sql is not giving the error:
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This query had an error with it the last time it ran:
Missing required columns in response: oldname_1
Hi Kasper, could you send some screenshots of how this appears in the GrowthBook dashboard?
When you say you changed the SQL, do you mean that you edited the SQL in GrowthBook by adjusting Experiment Assignment Query, the Metric query, or something else?
Also, was it a User Dimension or an Experiment Dimension that you changed?
its here:
I had loggedin_state twice before I saw my error and changed the SQL to country_code instead for the second loggedin_state dimension
@brief-honey-45610 Can I provide more info for clarity?
Hi Kasper, I apologize for the delay on this! Did you edit the Experiment Assignment Query so that the correct and intended column name is included in it's SQL statement?
The error in the most recent screenshot you sent make me think that the query has not been updated. You might also need to update any Metric queries that could be affected by the name change.
I have changed the words in the SQL away from the second loggendInState ot CountryCode:
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2  eventtimestamp as timestamp,
3  mparticleuserid,
4  platform,
5  exp_param.attributevalue as experiment_id,
6  var_param.attributevalue as variation_id,
7  log_param.attributevalue as loggedin_state,
8  cco_param.attributevalue as country_code
10  `gtm-ng8kr29-ywfhn.mparticle.raw_event_other_experimentviewed*.`,
11  UNNEST(eventattributes) as exp_param,
12  UNNEST(eventattributes) as var_param,
13  UNNEST(eventattributes) as log_param,
14  UNNEST(eventattributes) as cco_param
16  exp_param.attributename = 'experimentId'
17  AND var_param.attributename = 'variationId'
18  AND log_param.attributename = 'LoggedInState'
19  AND cco_param.attributename = 'CountryCode'
20  AND mparticleuserid IS NOT NULL
But the error tells me that the old loggedInState Growthbook renamed to LoggedInState_1 is missing - but that is the point in my changing it (i accidentally forgot to change the name at the first run).
@brief-honey-45610 any thought on how to get the old LoggedInState_1 removed and stop the error?