Hello everyone, is there a way to expand a self-ho...
# ask-questions
Hello everyone, is there a way to expand a self-hosted GrowthBook installation without modifying the core? Just like a plugin system or an extension point.
Hi Hugo, I’m not sure what you mean about “expanding”. Do you mean the ability to add plugins and extensions?
@brief-honey-45610 Exactly.
Ah, OK. We don’t have an ecosystem for plugins or extensions yet. Can you tell me what you’re trying to do in GrowthBook that isn’t available currently?
We need a method to segment our customer base. Currently, we create saved groups in GrowthBook, but because the segments are too large, the data sent to clients over the network is costly. To address this, we've developed an in-house segmentation API and want to integrate it with GrowthBook.
OK, understood. Thanks for the details.
Just to make sure I understand, you want to segment users prior to the experiment and not during the results analysis phase, right?
@brief-honey-45610 Exactly.