I created this using public repo but repeatedly am...
# ask-questions
I created this using public repo but repeatedly am getting this error, Should I missed something.?
Can you visit the URL for the API endpoint direclty?
it should give you a json object if its working
the API_HOST needs to be a routable URL from the app
can you give the sample URL, coz I tried below URL - APP_ORIGIN=https://growthbook.domain.com/ #API_HOST=https://api.growthbook.domain.com/
it needs to be a url that works
so you should be able to open that api url in a browser
you can also check the container logs
sometimes the api will not run if you set the environment to production without changing the secrets
Okay,ok but I followed the public repo with steps and getting the API error after mentioned the routing URL as well
yes, probably because that API url isn't working
have you tried to visit that url directly?
Yes @fresh-football-47124
Can you give an example on this.? APP_ORIGIN= - API_HOST=
you want the API to run on a directory? its not set up for that, but it is possible with some kind of rewrite rules- though this is quite advanced
Yes, version: "3" services: mongo: image: "mongo:latest" environment: - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password volumes: - mongodata:/data/db growthbook: image: "growthbook/growthbook:latest" ports: - "3000:3000" - "3100:3100" depends_on: - mongo environment: - APP_ORIGIN= - API_HOST= - MONGODB_URI=mongodb://root:password@mongo:27017/growthbook?authSource=admin volumes: - uploads:/usr/local/src/app/packages/back-end/uploads volumes: uploads: mongodata: I just run the yaml file, should I need to update this.? or run in the directory